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Effects of World War 2Complex and Detailed

World War 2 was unusual in that for the first time in modern history (perhaps 500 years?), civilians were killed in greater numbers than soldiers. This was despite WWII being the bloodiest 'soldiers' war in all history.

It is estimated that about 30,000,000 soldiers died in the conflict from battle ( a few million more from mistreatment at POWs, roughly half and half Allied and Axis). However, over 50,000,000 civilians died.

Civilians were deliberately targeted by the bombing raids conducted by the British against German targets, this being British government policy during the conflict. American bombers tried to be more 'accurate' and only attack targets of some military value - industries, military targets - but still caused many civilian deaths. German retaliation again Britain was by necessity scattered, killing perhaps 1/10th the number killed by British air crews.

Politically, World War 2 resulted in a weaker influence of Western Europe. Previously, Western Europe had shaped much of the way the world ran. After World War 2, though, when these nations were exhausted economically, militarily, etc. they began to BE shaped. The result was a bipolar equilibrium, that is, two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union.

In Russia there were millions of civilians who died. Some were targets of Nazi racial policy (Jews) and political motivation (communist party members). German military actions also killed many civilians such as the 1942 air raid on Stalingrad that killed about 60,000. Many civilians died of starvation to a large extent due to the Russian government policy of destroying all food supplies they could during retreats. Otherwise, the Russian army used civilians of all ages as cannon fodder to rush German defensive positions (useful to identify gun emplacements or even to just force the Germans to use up ammunition). Russians forces continued their brutal ways as they entered Germany and Poland. Probably two million defenseless German civilians were murdered outright by their armies.

Militarily, new technologies, from much improved tanks and airplanes to the deadly atomic bomb, had been developed to make wars faster and more brutal. Other developments that pertained to daily life were nylon, various other synthetics and other practical inventions. World War 2 brought about many changes. Women were finally granted the right to participate in voting in France and Italy. Women were also much more exposed to the work force as most of the men were off into the war.

Here is more input:

  • The Allied forces won WWII, and it pulled America out of the Great Depression, along with Great Britain and France who were still trying to pay us back from WWI. You see, we gave money to Germany to help pull them out of a depression, and Germany gave that money to Great Britain and France for war debts. GB and France would then give the money back to us, completing the circle. When we went into the Great Depression this money stopped flowing.
  • That requires a LONG answer, but in general terms it could be said that: The world got to be divided in two (mainly). Bloc 1, led by the USA/UK and the other one by the USSR and later on, Communist China. Communism expanded over the world, colonialism started to disappear for good (in theory!), and later, in '48, the Republic of Israel was formed, among other countries, but due to its position in the map this one is very special, also let's not forget that the Jews were just surviving the Holocaust. There is a lot more in expansion of Commmunism and the cold war, and the foundation of U.N.O. but that is too long to be answered here.
  • During the last year of WWII in Europe, the USSR had liberated the Eastern half of Europe, and the Allies had liberated the Western Half. After the war ended the USSR refused to retreat back to its old borders. (They DID capture this land fairly, had suffered the most deaths in the war, and when that happens you sorta do get pissed off...) When WWII ended it left Europe divided in two: Communism and Democracy. Patton during WWII had predicted that after the Axis was defeated the next enemy would be Communism. How right he was.!
  • After WWII the US entered the longest "war" it had ever been in through its history. Aside from the Cold War, we do still suffer from effects of WWII. In the second Persian Gulf war its impossible for Germany or Japan to provide military support due to the fact that they can't build up any army larger than a defense force.
  • In 1949, 12 nation set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Then in 1954, the South East Asia Treaty was created for defense of the Far East, created by Australia, Britain, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States.
  • The good effects: More people had a job. Women had a chance to work. Independence for some nations. Hitler died. U.S.A had a end to their depression. The bad effects: Lots of people died. Bombs destroyed many buildings. Food shortage for nations. Children had their parents leave them to go to war. People lost family members. World was divided. Many countries became Communist. Countries were also short of food for a few years after the war.
  • The brutality did not end with the end of the war either. In particular the Soviets continued to brutalize the people of eastern Europe, especially the German civilians. Other nations such as the Chezchs, Poles, and French also killed many German civilians after the war.
  • The barriers of civilization that were broken down in WWI have never been repaired. WWII was merely the opening act to the modern warfare technique of deliberately killing civilians. Thus we see the wave of terrorist attacks against police, schools, and religious persons in Iraq and other nations right up to the the major world powers targeting each others populations centers with atomic weapons.
  • The end of the WW II led to imperialistic domination of USA, USSR in the world. AS the result, world witnessed strong opposing Superpowers trying to influence Third World countries, fighting wars on their soil and killing their weak economies. WW II was not fought for people, but greedy leaders... COLD WAR that's the main result of WW II, arms race, nuclear warheads built-up, your so-called 'democracy' vs. Communism - that's what was the result of horrible accident of people's stupidity.
  • Some of the effects of World War 2 were the destruction of cities and families and the unprecedentedly large number of deaths amongst civilians and soldiers. Those are the obvious answers. Another after effect of World War 2 was the Cold War. The world lived with the threat of nucleur warfare between the two most powerful nations, the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Please have the hospitality of visiting a website: The site is a tribute to the men who fought in died in the Normandy landings on D-Day created by a 14 year old. (Something you should take the interest in learning about if you haven't already.)

Overly Simplistic

United Nations set up to avoid further world wars

Germany divided among France, Britain, US and USSR

cold war between US and USSR, potential nuclear war

Japan abandons its military bases in the Pacific to US and Britain

Korean war: North Korea, China, USSR v South Korea and US

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There were many effects of WW2 but the main one is probably the amount of deaths(millions). About a year after the end of the war a disease was also going around which caused even more deaths. And with the atomic bomb in Hiroshima they are still having birth defects because of the radiation.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Just a few of the major "impacts" or outcomes of World War II are as follows: first, the United States emerged as a true super-power and as the supreme industrial giant in the global community. Second, the Soviet Union emerged not only as a new super-power but also as a very ambitious (and capable) aggressor-nation. Third, the world-community gained new awareness of the horrors of race- and ethnic-oriented hatred through the Holocaust.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Perhaps the most major effect, or result, of World War II was the rise to super-power status of both the United States and the Soviet Union, along with the nuclear age which accompanied these new spotlight-players upon the world's stage. Additional effects included the break-up of the British Empire, the fall of nationalism as primary motivation among the world's leading countries, and the increase of significant tensions (and armed conflict) in the Middle East.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Long Depression, or great depression in Europe occurred due to a drop in the price of grain. This affected peasants/farmers. They could not compete. However this actually helped people living in urban areas because it allowed them more disposable income. Mainly the great depression affected poor farmers especially in East Europe causing then to immigrate to the US for example.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

1000s of people were killed and I'm pretty sure they started taxes to pay for the war's cost and damage cost.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

There are 2 massively important factors: 1: The treatment of the Jews in Europe. 2: The advent of Atomic (Nuclear) warfare.

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