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The Americans thought it was unfair that they could be taxed without having their say in Parliment, such as asking how these taxes were going to be used, and why they were being taxed in the first place. They also thought it was their right to say in Parliment what taxes were unfair to them as British subjects

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11y ago
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11y ago

Since the Colonist didn't like to be taxed by someone who wasn't there, they chose not to pay there taxes. The King of England got mad and sent some soldiers over to America to pay their taxes. One of the soldiersaccidentally shot a colonist and this caused the Boston Massacre. The phrase "No taxation without representation" was the cause for the Boston Massacre.

AnswerI would disregard the above statement regarding the Boston Massacre if I were you.

The phrase "Taxation without representation" was the popular description of the taxes imposed on the American colonies. The King with the approval of parliament was authorized to tax the American colonists. The American colonists had no parliamentary representation and therefore had no say in the decision to collect those taxes. The tax that really upset the Americans was the Stamp Act, which required the purchase of stamps which were required for the purchase of many items. The most well known of the items that the stamps were required for was tea. The stamp tax, not the phrase, led to the Boston Tea Party, not the Boston Massacre.

Basically the phrase "Taxation without representation" was coined to describe the situation were colonists, who had no voice in the matter, could be taxed without consenting to it.

Incidentally the taxes represented an effort by the King to pay off the costs incurred by England in the French and Indian War.

Adding to the second answer, colonists (the ones with the money) really did not want a seat in Parliament If the colonies were given representation in Parliament they would easily be outvoted, the taxes would be passed anyway, and their biggest complaint about being taxed would be gone.

Another Answer

This phrase by Owen in came as the result of the way that King George III chose to collect the tax. Instead of using standard tax collection methods established in the colonies, he bid the job of tax collector. He sold the job to the highest bidder. The highest bidder got the job. The tax collector then added his commission onto the official tax. This additional commission led to the 1764 militia revolt in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The governor of North Carolina ended the racket of letting the tax collectors in North Carolina add a commission to their tax collections. That action greatly displeased King George.


I think the main Reason would be Economic from George Washington shooting a French patrol on the future grounds of Pittsburgh's this lead into the French and Indian War, 2 years later the English in Europe got involved in the Seven years War which lead into massive debt, this debt lead into all the taxes on the colonies because the Englishmen were already taxed heavily at this point. Parliament did the smart thing on their part to tax the part that payed the least taxes, sad for them this plan backfired with boycotts ruining Brittan's economy, they took out many acts/taxes to repeal them to save the ecconomy from a further recsssion Colonist wanted all the benefits without paying Taxes leading into violent acts leading into the American Revolution(departure)

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14y ago

James Otis Jr. (1725-1783), a Massachusetts lawyer.

He stated that "taxation without representation is tyranny" during a Boston town meeting in 1765 protesting the Sugar Act (1764).

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13y ago

This was caused by the want of the colonists to have representatives for them sitting in London. This was their way of saying to Parliment "We run our own affairs now."

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13y ago

The British colonies were taxed for no reason and nobody wanted to be taxed and also that most owners of the businesses lost there jobs.

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it made the colonist smuggle supplies, and led to the Boston tea party.

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7y ago

It means a government does not have the right to tax a group of people without them being represented in the government.

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American Revolutionary War

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4y ago

The American Revolutionary War was caused by taxation without representation.

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