Millions of veterans are dealing with the after effects of Agent Orange (called such because of the Orange band painted around the barrels). During the war, the Military color coded their ordnance: yellow meant explosive, red meant chemical, blue meant inert (training rounds), black was armor piercing. Those colors might be modified into other catagories.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam
A military officer that fought in the Vietnam War. A Vietnam War soldier would be a "soldier that fought in the Vietnam War.
The Spanish-American War of 1898 brought the Americans together (re-united them) from the effects of the US Civil War. Operation Desert Storm of January/February 1991 reunited the American people from the effects of the Vietnam War (per President George Bush Sr., "...we've beat the Vietnam syndrome!").
See: Vietnam War Timeline
The effects of the Vietnam war were devistating. Leaving many deragened and mental.
Public discontent.
The 21st century's F22 Raptor is still armed with a 20mm cannon, thanks to the Vietnam War.
Peoples lives were shatted, birth defects, etc. Look up Long Term Effects of the Vietnam War on Google.
Rejection from the public.
Lowered morale.
Vietnam war made Vietnamese people having to do highest their effort to catch developed country.Maybe 100 years to be America now.
The new F22 Raptor has guns on it...thanks to the Vietnam War.
It caused millions of people to die.
Vietnam was a separate war fought many years after WWII had ended. It had no importance in WWII. The aftermath of WWII did have significant effects on the vietnam war however, but that is another topic.