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Regular High Explosive aerial bombs cleared jungle better than anything else, of course they usually left a good sized bomb crater there too. But, for 40 yards surrounding that crater, it would be open ground (all dirt) vegetation. Napalm was used as a tactical weapon when dropped from US jet aircraft, in conjunction with rockets and cannon fire. US Navy River Monitors also used flame throwing devices, again, in conjunction with the Monitor's forword turret, which housed a 40mm cannon.

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Bryan Moe

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BLU-82 "Daisy Cutter" were used to clear LZs

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Q: What were the firebombs called that were used to clear the jungle in Vietnam?
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What best describes the importance of Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam?

He led the communists in their only clear cut victory during the cold war.

How did the US involvement end in Vietnam?

By 1970 it was plainly clear that the Unites States people had turned against any further support for the war in Vietnam; and South Vietnamese government was too corrupt an inefficient for them to be able to wage the war for much longer. Funding to support the corrupt South Vietnamese regime was cut back significantly and starting in 1971 the United States military began withdrawing their forces from Vietnam. In 1973, the Vietnamese were left to fight it out for themselves; and in 1975 South Vietnam was overrun and surrendered.

What are some Immoral reasons about the Vietnam war?

During the "COLD WAR"; the Vietnam War was immoral to most people...who believed that war was "immoral" to begin with. Example: During WWII, which was a "clear case" of self defense (the Pearl Harbor Attack), people in the US still protested US involvement in that war. The "...reasons about the Vietnam War", would be the same; war is immoral, for those that choose to believe it. For many people there is NO JUSTIFICATION for war.

What are other names for Vietnam war?

The war of capitalism against communism. The US always had hatred to communism. And then we thought that all the countrys near vietnam the north vs the south if communism won then the domino theory would kick into play where it makes all surrounding country's fall into the same power and the US wanted to prevent that prevent so many deaths. they were trying to make up for their wronges in World war 2 and not acting fast enough to stop so many deaths. So it was a unjust war to vietnam no clear reason why and it was also considered a deadly defeat that will put them in fear to us.

Defoliant sprayed on Vietnamese jungles during the war?

Agent Orange was used in Vietnam to clear ground cover around military positions. The major ingredient was Dioxin, a highly toxic chemical both for plants and for humans.

Related questions

What chemicals did the us Government use to try and clear the jungle?

You need to be more specific as it has changed over time. One example is during the Vietnam War, the government used Agent Orange as a defoliant.

Firebombs use to clear the jungle?

Napalm was used as a tactical weapon, often a jet would make a pass with regular HE (in today's jargon: steel bombs or iron bombs; but in the war GI's called the bombs, "HE" for High Explosive), then a pass with naplam, then a pass with rockets and or cannon fire (probably 20mm). River Monitors of the US Navy's Riverine Forces also used flame throwing type weapons as they traversed up and down the rivers. This, in conjunction with their 40mm cannon in the Monitor's forward turret.

What did the US hope to contain by fighting in Vietnam?

To fight socialism but the Vietnamese knew guerilla warfare and the jungle unlike the Americans. With no clear goal in sight many people assoicate the war as a failure. The war was so unpopular that Lyndon B Johnson did not run for a second term.

What were napalm and agent orange?

Agent orange was a defoliating chemical used to clear jungle. Later, research proved it had horrible effects on the people exposed to it. Napalm is a sticky and extremely flammable substance often used by military forces. Its original intent was to clear brush destroy wooden structures. Unfortunately, it is also often used against human targets.

A clear worm What is it called?

It is called a clear worm.

How much gold and exp do you get after killing all the monsters in the jungle in league of legends?

Since jungle camps increase their gold and exp gains everytime they are killed, there is only a definite answer for the initial exp and gold gained for a jungle clear. You gain 384 gold and 1802 exp for clearing one team's jungle, not counting Baron Nashor and Dragon kills.+1closeclosepinpinsearchminimizeforwardbackViewTextzoomoutzoominzoomin

What is clear mascara?

Mascara that is called clear mascara

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The clear glass in binoculars is called the objective lens.

What best describes the importance of Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam?

He led the communists in their only clear cut victory during the cold war.

When source of communication is not clear it is called?

This is called a miscommunication. It occurs when the message is not clear or it is communicated improperly to the other person.

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No you cant see it thats why its called CLEAR!