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The first battle of World War II was the Battle of Westerplate in Poland that lasted seven days--1 September to 7 September 1939--as a result of the Allied Forces' declaration of war to Germany, Slovakia, and the Soviet Union due to their invasion of Poland. Hope that helps!
The first battle of World War 2 occured in Poland on September 1st 1939.

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17y ago

The Invasion of Guadalcanal was the first offensive battle of WWII.

The Invasion of Morroco was the second offensive ground battle beginning 32 days later on 8 November 1942.

Ground combat on Wake and the Phillipenes began in December of 1941, but was defensive in nature, and ill fated at best since both of these Pacific bastions were lost to the Japanese.

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That would be Pearl Harbor. It was a surprise attack, but the US fought back, sinking Japanese subs and shooting down aircraft. Pearl Harbor brought the US into WWII.

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13y ago

pearl harbor in the pacific but d-day in Europe

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Q: What were the first ground battles by Americans in World War 2?
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