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Jews during Holocaust Jews were taken to concentration camps where they had to work from early in the morning until late in the night. A total of six million Jews were killed. Often there would be hundreds of people taken and burned, slapped, gassed, shot. Many would have to dig their own grave before being shot into it or buried alive. It was a tragic. They also would have to get up at 4ish every morning for roll call where they would stand outside in the freezing weather and stay there for 2 hours or more. Food rations were below subsistence-level.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Living conditions was varied from camp to camp.

In camps, such as Auschwitz, There was one narrow bunkbed that fit one person. Jews and other minourity groups were forced into Ghettos. They were small living areas that could house one family, minimum. Hitler forced up to five families to live in one Ghetto. People in the camps were fed just eneough so that would still be alive and strong enough to work, but not so much so that they could get stronger and fight back. People in camps were fed just one piece of bread a day. They were intentionally starved.

Auschwitz- When people first arived to Auschwitz, everyone was told to leave their belonging in a pile and to move foward. All of the women and children and elderly men were asked to go to one line and all men, ranging from the teens to adult, were asked to go to another line. all the women went to the right and all the men went to the left. The women, children, and elderly men went to the crematories and all the men went to the housing areas. That was the last time most boys saw their mothers.

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15y ago

The conditions were not very good. The Jews were given very little food, they were forced into cramped spaces, and were not allowed to leave without a good reason. It was better than concentration camps, though.

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14y ago

Way less than satisfactory. There was little food, dead bodies littered the streets, and diseases ran rampant through households (especially typhus). And let's not forget perhaps the worst part of living in the ghettos: The Nazis.

Prisoners were always in danger of being shot or exported to a death/concentration camp.

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16y ago

Frankfurt Jews were deported to camps from 1942 onwards.

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16y ago

living conditions were horrid!!!

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What were the living conditions like for aboriginals during World War 1?


What were living conditions like at Camp Harmony?

Living conditions at Camp Harmony, a temporary assembly center for Japanese Americans during World War II, were cramped and difficult. Families were housed in hastily converted horse stalls and barracks, with limited privacy and inadequate sanitation facilities. The living quarters were often overcrowded, making it difficult to maintain hygiene and comfort. Overall, the living conditions were far from ideal and reflected the hardships and discrimination faced by Japanese Americans during this time.

Did the Jewish Holocaust happened?

Yes, hitler put millions of jews in concentratioon camps, along with gay people. The Jews wore an Yellot star of david and the gay people wore a pink tringle and their shirts. They were put together in bad living conditions, then gassed or killed in the hundreds and sometimes even in the Thousands. It's just called the Holocaust not the Jewish Holocaust. Hitler did it when he was ruling germany and we were at war with them along with other countries.

Why is the Holocaust recalled with such horror?

The Holocaust was so shocking because Hitler and his Nazis shouldn't have done that to Jews. Jew's are the same as other religions and beliefs. It was also so shocking because of how many Jews they killed on a daily basis, it's like they lived for killing them. The final reason it was so shocking is because of how many people now-a-days think that the Holocaust was made up, which brought the topic of it up and it was more and more shocking everytime, there is living, breathing, and historic places to show you that the Holocaust actually happened. That's why the Holocaust was so shocking.

Discuss the economicsocial conditions of blacks in the South during Reconstruction?

Most African-Americans in the South made their living as sharecroppers and were poor. Reconstruction protected their right to vote and to seek public office.

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