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Well, what comes to my mind first is that a lot of their parents were fighting in the war. This would be very emotionally stressful, I would think. Another thing to consider is that while their fathers were away, they would be living in a one-parent home.

Not sure about other affects the war had on children. After all, I am a child myself, and haven't done a whole lot of research yet. ;)

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

many children didn't like it or in some cases didn't want to come home many families were killed so the children had nowhere to go and often with nowhere to go they wouldFamily life was affected primarily by the absence of many husbands and fathers, and secondarily by the employment outside the home of many women, often in traditionally male occupations.

A lot of women went to work in defense plants and had to leave their children in the care of others. Often this was a grandparent or other family member, or sometimes the oldest child. There were no daycare centers as we know them, and the arrangements could sometimes be slipshod at best, but usually worked well if the caregivers were relatives or close family friends.

Of course, there was the constant dread of receiving a telegram announcing the injury, missing status or capture, or death of a husband, son, or father--I suspect that, of the three, the second would be the worst to deal with simply because it was so vague. If a soldier was a POW, the family at home would be in a constant state of wondering if he was being mistreated, sick or wounded and not receiving medical care, and if missing it was even worse--you can see how this would cause great stress. In the other two cases things were much clearer--an injury could easily bring him home and death--well, at least that was something concrete.

Too, there were stressors when the soldier came home, often arising from the newly discovered independence of working wives (remember, sex roles were much more rigid in those days); a man expected his wife to be a stay-at-home one who was totally dependent on him to provide for her and the family.

This is merely skimming the surface--I'd suggest you try to talk to people who lived through World War II. Their memories are of more worth than gold.

Source(s):grew up hearing my mother's and grandmother's stories of life during World War II
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βˆ™ 14y ago

well think about it this way the men go into the war the family receives a letter "sorry mam but your husband died so it affects them severely. it affected Lot of families because Lot of men died

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βˆ™ 12y ago

In many families the father and/or one or more sons was away on war service. Also

families would starve after ratios were introduced in ww2

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βˆ™ 14y ago

they felt very lonely and lost

they felt a lot more then that most of them didn't even live. the survivors most likely died of starvation

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βˆ™ 16y ago

* Absouloutly every one was effected by the war all over the world.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

English chilrenwere evacuate to the countryside while Jewish children were senrt to concentration camps after the war everyone was affected by rationing in England

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βˆ™ 15y ago

well famiilys ate more penis

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