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1914 - the Battle of Mons, and the First Battle of Ypres. 1915 - The Second Battle of Ypres. 1916 - The Battle of the Somme 1917 - The Third Battle of Ypres, The Battle of Cambrai. 1918 - The German Spring Offensive, The Allied Counter-Offensive.

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Q: What were the major European campaigns in World War 1?
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How was V-E day an important event in World War 2?

There were two major theaters in the Second Great War: the European theater, and the Pacific Theater. V-E Day was the day that the Germans surrendered to the Allied Forces and major action in the European theater ceased. The Nazis were defeated.

What was the name of the Allied campaign against Germany during World War 2 called?

There were a series of campaigns fought in all theaters. WW2 was broken down into three major theaters for the western allies: ETO, PTO, CBI (European Theater of Operations; Pacific Theater of Operations; and the China, Burma, India Theater of Operations).

What were the military strategies used in the European and Pacific theatre of war during World War 2?

During World War II, the early major military strategy in the Pacific theatre was to stop the Japanese from approaching the United States by taking control of the Midway Islands. The European theatre was focusing on Africa to prevent enemy forces from moving northward.

What were major turning points in world war 2 with battle?

The Battle of Britain , the Battle of Midway , the Battle for Stalingrad and the D-Day invasion of the European Mainland .

What US Army campaigns were authorized for battle stars in Europe in World War 2?

The European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Campaign Medal for the U.S. Army has fifteen authorized battle stars. Three are for campaigns in Africa-Middle East: * Egypt-Libya * Algeria-French Morrocco * Tunisia Twelve are for campaigns on the European continent and they are: * Air Offensive Europe * Sicily * Naples-Foggia * Anzio * Rome-Arno * Normandy * Northern France * Southern France * Northern Apennines * Rhineland * Ardennes-Alsace * Central Europe

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What were the major European and pacific campaigns in 1945?

I have attached a link with all the campaign details for the two theaters of World War 2 in 1945.

What was the significance of the European Theater during World War II?

The European Theater during World War II was significant because it was where major battles and campaigns took place between Allied and Axis powers. The outcome of these battles ultimately led to the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of the war in Europe.

Where can you find out about World War 2 Generals and Admirals and their major battles and campaigns?

Which was a major result of World War 2?

european colonialism in many areas of the world delined

Is World War I a European war?

Yes World War 1 is a European War.

What was the major result of Caesar's campaigns?

The results of Caesar's campaigns in his Gallic War was the conquest of Gaul. The result of the campaigns he fought in his civil war against the forces of the senate was that he became the ruler of Rome.

Where were the major European international crises in the decade before World War 1?

Balkans, Morocco

What are the 3 major theatres of war during World War 2?

The 3 major theatres of WWII were the European Theatre, the Pacific Theatre and the North-African Theatre.

What major event led to the European colonialism in southwest Asia?

defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I

What were some major campaigns during World War 2?

For the US everything besides Europe and the Pacific was a sideshow, the defeat of Germany and Japan was the goal.

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How was Cuba affected by World War 2?

The Cuban sugar industry got a major boost during World War 1. This came after the elimination of European beet sugar from the world market. Shipping of European sugar in the East Indies was cut off.