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"Confederates and Yankees"

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Q: What were the names and nicknames of troops on each side?
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During the battle of Gettysburg how many men fought for each side?

There were nine thousand troops on each side, fifth grade. (this includes Taiya) who use this sight for writing notes and answering questiions

How many troops did the Confederate side have in Chattanooga?

About 44,000 troops.

What are the names of the fins on a perch?

Dorsal fin, Flukes on the tail, and Pectoral fins on each side

When did the Australian troops begin operations on the Kokoda trail?

Battles began in July of 1942 and continued for six months resulting in the death of about 6,500 Japanese troops versus 725 Australians. Hundreds on each side were casualties of disease.

Did American and south Korean troops fought against each other?

No, South Korea and the U.S. were on the same side. Both were fighting against North Korea.

Which side came out of the Battle of Shiloh in worse condition?

The side that came out in worse condition was the South. The reason why is because Grant ordered more troops when Souths troops were exasusthed.

Did the north receive most of its troops from the draft or as volunteers during the civil war?

Volunteers they had many American volunteers on each side which gave the south a troop number advantage

How many troops was on the unions side?

At Gettysburg, 95000 men.

What are the side character names in the story?

In the story, the side character names are Sarah, Tom, and Emily.

Why were those countries fighting in the Vietnam war?

Basically, the Vietnamese sides, north and south, each had allies and supporters. These allies joined with the troops in Vietnam. The US was on the side of the south. They lost.