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Both sides in this war enjoyed their own unique advantages which they believed would be enough to ensure a quick victory.

The Union population of 22 million was greater than the Confederate population of 9 million. Further, the North was better able to supply those armies because it produced far more than did the South. Agriculture was the cornerstone of the Southern economy, commerce and industry were more important to the Northern economy. So the north could produce its needs, and the South had to rely on foreign trade for its necessities. The south was always short on supplies and basic necessities in the war.

The South did have at least two important advantages in their favor that made a Union victory . Most important was the fact that they had better military leaders. The South also had something of a "home field" advantage. Since the North was invading the South, the Southerners had to fight close to home. However, the strengths of both sides largely canceled out each other and resulted in a draw. The North had more resources that allowed them to continue the war longer than the South could. But only after a long, bloody fight.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

North and South were different in many ways. The northern cities were centers of wealth and manufacturing. There were many skilled workers there. However, there was not much manufacturing in the south. There were few, if any, munitions factories. There were not many mills for manufacturing needs such as shoes and clothing. Food to take into battle was not plentiful; neither was good horses.

However, the South had the best leaders, such as Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson. They were superior at artillery and horsemanship. Although the South was short of many necessary items for war, considering their leaders and their expertise at many things, including logistics, it took the North four years to finally beat the South.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

i remember this in my 8th grade class. This isn't complete all i am about to say is based on memory.

Union advantage

*The north had more supplies because of the factories.

*The north also had control of the transportaion systems, such as ports.

*Since the freed slaves were now free, they were able to contribute to the Union army. So the Union was greater in numbers.

*Union had better military weapons.

Confederate advantages:

Some of the best officers of the US Army had resigned to join the Confederates.

including; Robert E. Lee

Traditional advantage in cavalry - most young Southerners could ride and shoot

Officer class - the army was a more natural choice of career for sons of rural landowners than in the industrial North.

Rank-&-file - a more soldierlike breed, a generally aggressive kind of people

Home-ground advantage - most battles were on terrain unfamiliar to the enemy

Stronger war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

Their President did not have to face an election in mid-war, as Lincoln did.

(At the beginning) Prospect of recognition and military aid from Britain and France.

Union advantages:

Much bigger population from which to recruit armies.

Traditional advantage in artillery, including new rifled cannon

Industrial capability - access to all kinds of war-supplies

More railroad mileage - whole armies could move by train

Big enough navy to blockade Southern coast

Most talented President the Americans ever had

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βˆ™ 13y ago


~more railroads for transporting soldiers, weapons, etc.

~more money

~more farmland for food


~poor leadership (most of the time)

~Civil War turned into an offensive war for them, had to fight on unknown enemy land



~will for fighting, something in they believe in

~defensive war on home turf


~not as much money, railroads, or farmland for food

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The advantages of the South was they used strategies that the North didn't use and they knew the weaknesses of the North.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Southerners knew the land and were a rural people; Northerners didn't know the land and were mostly city boys.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the north had pretty much more of everything and the south had more blah blah blah you white boy your not worthy to read this now go away!

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