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Positive outcomes:

1. The army is trying to recruit freedmen

2. The black churches became the center of community life

3. African American men now have the power to make laws and helped re-write the Constitution.

4. Public Education for the newly freed slaves

5. Blacks became politically active, taking up political offices.

6. The union army will protect the free slaves

7. African Americans got to vote legally.

Negative Outcomes:

1. People formed threat groups like the Ku Klux Klan (K.K.K)

2. Souther states took over reconstruction

3. The Jim Crow Laws

4. Segregation

5. Black Codes

6. Rights of African Americans were being taken away

7. Poll-tax, literact test, grandfather clause, sharecroppers

8. dis-obeying the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments

9. Cycle of poverty

10. Many republicans, blacks, immigrants, white people that defended blacks, Roman Catholics, and Jews were killed due people in the K.K.K

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Positive effects of Reconstruction included the rebuilding of the South, suffrage for blacks and the establishment of schools for blacks. Negative effects included the establishment of the KKK and Black Codes.

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