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During the American Civil War, the Union side enjoyed the advantages of superior numbers of people and of soldiers, vastly greater industrial resources and arms, a well-trained and active navy, and a fully organized and operational political administration, among other strengths. Its primary weakness was its need to invade the South, defeat Southern armies, and occupy Southern strong-points as the basis for forcing the South's surrender.

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13y ago

The Union had more manpower and industry which means that they could manufacture more weapons and artillery along with the soldiers to use them. The Confederacy had Virginia which was a very wealthy state at the time, they also had more experienced generals than the Union except for a couple, and they were defending their homeland which was a reason to fight harder for their troops. Both side's troops were lacking in experience, because most were farmers who went to fight for many reasons. The Union had many riots break out during the last couple years of the war because they had included a draft that was very unpopular. The Confederacy had started lacking food for their citizens because it was being sent off to their soldiers, so food was made very expensive and people could often not afford to pay for it.

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