Australians were abit more "bush" wise than the US Forces. They preferred to operate similar to the enemy...smaller unit infiltration thru enemy infested terrritory.
while vietnam is in war with america, vietnam soldiers used learn guerilla tactics by studying shivaji maharaj. shivaji maharaj used guerrilla tactics against huge moghal empire. Same way vietnam is in war with giant america, vietnami soldiers gets inspired from shivaji's example...
Ultimately the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam could be used to define the end of the war, the last of the American troops did not leave until the Paris Peace accords were signed in 1973.
During the Vietnam War, the US strategy was "Attritition". This involved the tactics of "Search and Destroy", which was accompanied by the procedure of "counting enemy bodies", which resulted in the term, "body count".
Men and material infiltrated into South Vietnam via the Ho Chi Minh trail.
The film "Jabob's Ladder" is about the US Army, not the Australian Army.
In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.
In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.
Vietnam War: Find'em & Kill'em (Search & Destroy).
Previously answered see above.
while vietnam is in war with america, vietnam soldiers used learn guerilla tactics by studying shivaji maharaj. shivaji maharaj used guerrilla tactics against huge moghal empire. Same way vietnam is in war with giant america, vietnami soldiers gets inspired from shivaji's example...
Helicopter borne infantry tactics.
The tactic used was guerrilla warfare.
The North Vietnamese army, otherwise known as Viet-Cong/Viet-Minh, often used guerilla tactics, for example hide from the US troops and only attack without direct combat, however the notorious 'Tet Offensive' was a contradiction of this rule, as they did attack the US troops, air-bases and embassy, though in body count this was not in fact a success.