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About 391,000 US Marines served in Vietnam. Approximately 14,838 US Marines died. For a breakdown of Divisional casualties; see history of the 3rd Marine Division.

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1/1 is part of the First Marine Div.

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Q: What were the third Marine division casualties from the Vietnam War?
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What happened to Pickett's division that took part in this historic charge?

General Pickett's division of 4,500 men suffered over fifty percent casualties on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg. General Pickett's division suffered 2,655 casualties, 498 killed, 643 wounded and captured, 833 more wounded, and 681 captured but not wounded.

When did Third Chinese domination of Vietnam end?

Third Chinese domination of Vietnam ended in 906.

What units received the presidential unit citation in Vietnam?

Use any search engine you prefer and search for NAVMC 2922. This is dated 21Apr2000 and will provide you with a lilsting of all unit awards that have been presented to Marine Corps units since the beginning of WW2. This only lists unts awards issued to USMC units prior to 15Jan2000. After this date awards are maintained on a separate location. Lynn R Rutt, Former Marine 0311 & 5811, 1993-2003, Marine TWS Member

Which country suffered the most casualties during World War 2?

First Place: Soviet Union 28 million to 20 millionSecond: China 15 million Third Place: Poland 6 millionFourth Place: Germany 5.8 millionFifth/Sixth Place: Yugoslavia and Japan 1.5 million both.The other contries suffered less casualties than 500,000 killed

What happened on May 18 1945?

This was during the final months of World War Two. On this day, in Okinawa, the US 6th Marine Division, part of US 3rd Amphibious Corps, captured most of the Sugar Loaf Hill after several days of bitter fighting. The US 1st Marine Division continued to battle for the Wana river valley and Wana Ridge but failed to eliminate Japanese resistance. Meanwhile, the US 77th and 96th Divisions attack Japanese positions on Flat Peak without success. In the Philippines... On Luzon, American units made some progress toward Woodpecker Ridge. In Occupied Germany... In Flensburg, Admiral Donitz, nominally the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, issued an order of the day to the Wehrmacht in which he expressed horror at revelations about the Nazi concentration camps and distanced the military from the atrocities. In Dublin... The Irish Prime Minister, De Velera, announces a $12 million food and clothing aid program for Europe.

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What is the marines located?

Marines are stationed all over the world in different capacities. The First Marine Division is base out of Camp Pendelton CA, the Second Marine Division is based in Camp Lejeune, NC and the Third Marine Division is based out of Okinawa Japan.

What happened to Pickett's division that took part in this historic charge?

General Pickett's division of 4,500 men suffered over fifty percent casualties on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg. General Pickett's division suffered 2,655 casualties, 498 killed, 643 wounded and captured, 833 more wounded, and 681 captured but not wounded.

Where was the Third of the Fifth Calvary Division located in Vietnam?

There was no "third of the fifth cavalry DIVISION" in Vietnam. Not a U.S. outfit at least. There was a 3rd Squadron, 5th U.S. Cavalry assigned to the 9th Infantry Division in Military Region III (MR-3) or (MR-4) near the Mekong Delta, which was OPCON or attached to the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade 5th Mechanized Infantry Division up in MR-1, commonly called "I" Corps, just below the DMZ.

When did the First cavalry leave Vietnam?

The First Cavalry Division, minus the 3rd Brigade, left Vietnam on 29 April, 1971. The Third Brigade (separate) left Vietnam on 26 June, 1972. At that time, the complete First Cavalry Division (Airmobile) was based at Fort Hood, Texas.

When did Third Chinese domination of Vietnam end?

Third Chinese domination of Vietnam ended in 906.

When was Portuguese Third Division created?

Portuguese Third Division was created in 1948.

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Albanian Third Division was created in 1930.

When was Belgian Third Division created?

Belgian Third Division was created in 1926.

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Cypriot Third Division was created in 1970.

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Did third 8 Inch Howitzer Battery receive a presidential unit citation for service in the republic of Vietnam?

I was assigned to 3rd 8 inch Howitzer Battery (SP), Rein., 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division from February 1967 to March 1969. We received a Presidential Unit Citation For sometime during the period I was there. I have the notation on my DD214.

Was any unit of the Third Marine Div awarded an expeditionary medal for Taiwan service in 1958?

Not as far as I can tell by my research. The 3rd Marine Division never was on Taiwan in 1958. "March 1956 the division moved to Okinawa and remained there in a readiness posture until 1965.[" (Wikipedia) None of the Disions unit awards (streamer) has to do with Taiwan.