The major reason for the US exchanging neutrality for the war of 1917 was that the Germans were using their ships to attack the Us ships. The US ships were carrying American citizens at that time.
They were cargo ships importing food to Britain.
..... sorry __ Sink them.
There are 5 ships
the City of Memphis, the Illinois and Viglincia
Yes, and so the Germans couldn't use it against the rest of the world neither.
Because the Germans started sinking or cargo ships with their submarines.
The Germans never sank American ships. They were focused on British ships. Americans on British ships were just unlucky. Germany ignored the threat because defeating Britain quickly, as they believed sinking supply ships would cause, would decrease the chance of American interference because their ally would have been defeated.
-_- come on now people im in 6th grade an this is for tomorrows social studies anyway
Because Germans attacked our ships......
i suppose you mean the u-boat (unterseeboot) it's a submarine that the Germans used to sink the allies ships they even used them to sink the Lusitania which had American passengers on it and they all died.
Allied cargo ships were the Germans primary targets.
German U-boats repeatedly sank American ship and ships with Americans on board. The Germans were trying to form an alliance with one of the anti-American factions that was vying for control of Mexico.
The major reason for the US exchanging neutrality for the war of 1917 was that the Germans were using their ships to attack the Us ships. The US ships were carrying American citizens at that time.
The Germans believed the ships were carrying war supplies to the Allies.