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Working conditions during the Civil War were harsh. People worked long hours and were paid very low wages. There were strikes during this time by workers to improve the working conditions.

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Q: What were working conditions for factory workers during the the Civil War?
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The factory act improved the conditions of industrial workers in England during the 19th Century. The act regulated the working conditions of workers. But most factory owners ignored these act till later.

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As the workers realized their rights and stated to revolt, the working conditions started to improve.

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Apart from the few factory and mill owners who had the welfare of their emplyees at heart, very little. Any improvement gained came largely from the employees banding together and struggling for them.

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Assuming that you are comparing peasants in feudalism to factory workers during the early industrialization era, you could say something similar to this: Akin to the life of peasants, factory workers endured harsh working conditions with little compensation and were often provided a place of residence by their superiors.

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Factory discipline during the Industrial Revolution was characterized by strict rules, long working hours, and harsh punishments for infractions. Workers were expected to follow a regimented schedule and adhere to the authority of the factory owners and managers. This discipline was necessary to maintain productivity and control a large workforce, but it also resulted in exploitation and poor working conditions for many factory workers.

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Child factory workers, like all workers, were supervised.

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Workers fought back against poor working conditions during the Industrial Revolution through various means. They organized labor unions to demand better wages, shorter working hours, and improved working conditions. Workers also participated in strikes and protests, refusing to work until their demands were met. Some workers engaged in sabotage and destroyed machinery as a form of protest. Overall, these collective actions of workers played a significant role in improving working conditions and achieving labor rights.

An increasing number of industrial workers joined U.S. labor unions during the late 19th century because?

Workers who organized could negotiate for better working conditions.

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What did factory workers do during the civil war?

i think because..........

What laws were enacted with regard to these topics for the betterment of the workers in the indrustrial revolution?

During the Industrial Revolution, several laws were enacted to improve working conditions for workers. The Factory Act of 1833 limited the working hours of children and introduced minimum age requirements for employment, while the Mines Act of 1842 prohibited the employment of women and children in underground mines. The Health and Morals of Apprentices Act of 1802 set regulations for the treatment of apprentices, protecting them from abuse and ensuring access to education. These laws aimed to address the harsh working conditions and exploitation faced by workers during the Industrial Revolution.