1. to represent your country 2. to get a free collage education 3. for a job 4. if you don't know your purpose 5. to make yourself tougher
It can be In Self Defence It can be to Prevent Evil It can be to bring good If the people initiating war believe it has a religious cause, then that. Unsellfish reasons.
4-5 August 1914. In other words, within 9 days of the start.
Hitler caused WW2 had nothing to do with the treaty Hitler never mentioned it in any of his Rants
The main reason for the breakout of the world war was that the heir to the austrian-hungary throne was assassinated in Siberia. Austria laid down 10 conditions in front of Siberia which Siberia declined .Germany entered to show their support for Austria and Russia entered for Siberia. The war soon spread throughout Europe and was known as the first world war
Do you mean the Spanish Civil War or the American Civil War?
because of war
2 reasons were Germany continuing Unrestricted Submarine Warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania, the Lusitania held some American civilians. During war, civilians are not supposed to be involved
5 5 5 Why make it 5 (enter)5(enter)5(enter) when you just have to say 5
It can be In Self Defence It can be to Prevent Evil It can be to bring good If the people initiating war believe it has a religious cause, then that. Unsellfish reasons.
1 slaves 2 more union and confederate states
4-5 August 1914. In other words, within 9 days of the start.
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