The southern states, starting with South Carolina, began to succeed from the Union. Lincoln wouldn't let them leave the United States, but in response they attacked Fort Sumter.
there really was no immediate cause of the civil war except: North *south southern states secede South: *John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry *Lincoln being elected as President *North did not enforce the Fugitive Slave Act
I believe, for the South, it was an issue of States rights. The South fired the first shots at Fort Sumpter. Seceding from the union by Southern states did not take place at one time. They took place at different times, not all at once. I believe for the North, it was that Lincoln wanted to prserve the Union. I don't think Slavery was the dominant reason for it, but I beleve President Lincoln made it an issue of the war with The Gettysburg Address.
Uncle Toms Cabin, Lincolns Election, the Kansas Nebraska Act, Slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, the attack on Fort Sumter at Charleston, South Carolina. These are some of the short terms or reasons for the cause for the American Civil War.
The cause was the Southern troops did not like the outcome of the general election. They did not want President Abe Lincoln to be president. They wanted to continue owning slaves. Many states seceded including Mississippi, Virginia, Texas, and Florida. After they seceded they fired cannons at Fort Sumter.
US Civil War 1861-1865.
The US Civil War was an un-declared war.
The US military draft began in the US Civil War (1861-1865).
Russia was not involved in the US Civil War. A civil war is defined as a war fought between groups which are all from one country.
A reason that is NOT for the Civil War is to get more land.
slavery ;) thats it
An immediate result of the US Civil War was the abolition of slavery with the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1865. This amendment legally ended slavery and involuntary servitude throughout the United States.
Slavery disputes and trading rights.
It is estimated that over 618,000 men died during the US Civil war from all causes including combat, disease and accident. Below is an excellent site for this and more on the US Civil War.
it was a dispute about slaves. The union didnt like slavery, the con. did
*The civil war *The War between the States
us civil war
US Civil War 1861-1865.
Not the immediate cause - it had been a long-running debate. The immediate cause was Lincoln's election victory on a ticket of no new slave-states.
Us civil war
In his last years, US Grant had not written about his experiences in the US Civil War. Mark Twain, real name was Samuel Clemens, assisted Grant and his Memoirs were published in 1885. It became an immediate best seller and rescued Grant from the financial problems he had.
civil war. civil war.