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There are a great many names for the American Civil War depending on where you're from. I'll list a few of them.

The War Between the States (officially adopted name)

The War of Northern Agression

The War of Southern Succession

The Late Unpleasantness (used after the end of the Civil War)

There are a great many others! I recommend studying this time period to get a greater feel for the opinions on both sides, and some of the names they came up with in both the North and the South.

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Q: What where the three names for the American Civil War?
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Another common name for the American Civil War was the War Between the States. For more information on the many names of the Civil War including a list of alternative names for that war, please see the Related Links.

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Just click on 'US Civil War', and you'll see the main ones, with their separate Wiki pages.

What were the names of the two side fighting in the American Civil War?

union(north), confederates(south)

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Massachusetts was one of twenty-three states to side with the Union (North) in the American Civil War.

What are names for the war in 1861?

The names are The Civil War and The War of Northern Agression.

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A civil war occurs when 2 or more factions fight to control a single government. The Revolutionary and the "civil war" were both fought to create a separate government, and technically not civil wars.

What other names for US Civil War?

The US Civil War has also been called The War for Southern Independence, The Second American Revolution, The Late Unpleasantness, The Rebellion, War Between the States and the list goes on.

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Yo momma was the spark in the American civil war

Which was first Civil War or spanish American war?

Civil War

What was the war between the south and the north?

In the US the war between the north and the south is called the Civil War. However, there have been other war, In other arts of the world, between northern regions and southern regions and they have different names.

Why were drums used in the American Civil War?

Drums were used in the American Civil war, to show that the war had begun.