A good topic of discussion would be the importance of the battle of the somme in 1916 for the allied victory. Many british soldiers died and very little land was gained. However a lot of historians claim that without the battle of the somme, Britain would not have won the war.
they would be safer in the countryside
that is why technology and tactics had there own purposes in world war 1
i don't know but it will be a good topic to learn about
Heroes surround us when we least expect it.
WikiAnswers will not write your introduction for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the related link to learn more about topic sentences. You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting! Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic. If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!
Animal testing, the legality of assisted suicide and internet censorship are all good debate topics. The death penalty is another good debate topic.
A good research topic based on a current event, would be the law passed in Texas about the abortion laws. This would likely cause a debate, but there's a lot to write about it.
Type your answer here... Whether the school year in the United States should be longer
The treaty of westphalia of 1648
A good topic to debate on could be whether technology is helping or hindering human relationships. This topic can generate a lively discussion about the impact of technology on communication, connection, and social interactions in today's society.
The word 'debate' is both a verb (debate, debates, debating, debated) and a noun (debate, debates).
If you really can't think of anything to say about a topic, you shouldn't debate on it, or you'll get completely squashed when the debate actually happens. Good luck.
Good popular debate topics are the following: -Healthcare -Whether or not social networking sites are safe -Abortion -Death Penalty
good morning to one and all present here, im up here to oppose the topic or to deliver a debate on the topic for or against the motion....i fully oppose that..........
She led a brave and bold life in pursuit of her dreams of an equal world. I say she would be a good topic.
what is a good topic sentence on sparta
I would go with a sea serpent, for the "Leviathan".