If we think about our daily lives and how numbers affect it. For example Money!! If we didn't have numbers there would be no real way to determine the amount of money we have/earn. So just figure out where you use numbers in you daily live and what would happen if it all changed. That's what would happen if there were no numbers in the world:)
No one knows what will happen. It would be conjecture to answer this opinion question.
If all the world's resources were to magically increase 100 fold what would happen?
if an event similar to the Holocaust were to happen, then they would give it it's own name, like they did with the Holocaust.
If the US lost WW1 then everyone in the US would be speaking German and the US would be ruled like Germany is now!
Obviously no one knows. My assumption is that world war 3 would be a battle over the control of antartica. The continent could render many agricultural resources in its freezing cold temperatures. Amurica wuld win.
the world wouldnt be how it was always
we would most likely be called by numbers
There would be no slaves in the world..dugh
Since all counting numbers are rational numbers, arithmetic would never have started. There would have been no science nor technology.
Then we would have only whole numbers. no fractions of any sort.
the fox will decrease its numbers
The world would collapse.
My world would die
the world would be a better place
we would die
The world would be very lonely if there was no love. There would be no children and the world would be down.
it would run out of space in the raftors