Every Southern Boy's dream. The Reb army would have entrenched and Meade, under intense pressure from Washington, would have thrown his army against the Rebs. Longstreet was the master at defensive fighting. There would have been another Fredricksburg or a mutiny within the Yankee ranks. Either way, a Reb victory would probably have resulted in Lincoln losing election and a resulting peace accord. There would be the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy would eventually break up and North America would look like Europe with many small countries. Just my humble opinion after 40 years of studying ALL aspects of the war.
The battle of Gettysburg.
I'm going to assume you mean virginia..... and a lot happened. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy.
It happened twice - Antietam (Sept. 62) and Gettysburg (July 63)
The ending of the Siege of Vicksburg, and liberation of the Mississippi. The Battle of Gettysburg, ending Lee's hopes of invading the North.
The two Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg happened on the same day. Vicksburg liberated the Mississippi, and ended the war in the West. Gettysburg was Lee's last chance of invading the North. That day (July 4h 1863) is taken as the turn of the tide.
No. George Washington died in 1799, while the Battle of Gettysburg took place in 1863. Besides, Washington was from Virginia, which during the Civil War was part of the Confederacy. The Union commander at Gettysburg was General George MEADE.
Lee retreated to Virginia and began planning his defense.
The Battle of Gettysburg happened in Gettysburg Pennsylvania in June of 1863.
Yes. Tornadoes can and have happened in Virginia and Washington. No town is safe.
The Battle of Gettysburg happened in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
he became official surveyor for culpeper country, virginia
The Battle of Gettysburg happened in Pennsylvania.
There has never been a Gettysburg war
Gettysburg Campaign happened on 1863-07-24.
its a war that happened in 1993
The Battle of Gettysburg and The Gettysburg Address.
He was not important. He was just infamous.General George Pickett did not have very many important commands. He just happened to be in the right place to be selected to lead the charge at Gettysburg that was identified with his name. General Longstreet was overall commander but he did not participate in the charge.