Hitler's personal guard regiment was the Waffen SS. Which was an elite subdivision of the German SS forces.
an ss man was a person who worked for Hitler. who helped Hitler with his defeat over the Jews and other races. The ss men were men who basically did all the dirty work. many of those men were just like Hitler, who wanted to see the Jews extermined, gone from this world.
Shutzstaffel was the SS Army for Hitler in World War II. They overpowered the SA in a battle. The SS was made up of Hitler's idea of the perfect human beings. (blonde hair, blue eyes.)
SS-Begleitkommando des Führers (literally: SS Escort Command of the Führer) was originally an eight-man SS squad assigned with protecting the life of Adolf Hitler during the early 1930s. It was formed on 29 February 1932 to protect Hitler while he travelled outside Munich and the borders of Bavaria in Germany. The Begleitkommando was replaced by the Führerschutzkommando after Hitler became Führer in 1934. The Reichssicherheitsdienst (RSD) was an SS security force of Nazi Germany. Originally the personal bodyguards of Adolf Hitler, it later protected other high-ranking leaders of the Nazi regime. The Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) was Adolf Hitler's personal Bodyguard Regiment .(Leibstandarte being a somewhat archaic German expression for the personal bodyguard of a military leader).
SS stands for Schutzstaffel, which is German for "Protection Staff". It was originally Nazi Party members who served as Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard. After Hitler took control of Germany, the SS took control of all police, intelligence, and security agencies. The SS was also largely responsible for carrying out the Holocaust.
Hitler was in overall command of the SS but Himmler was directly in control of the SS .
The SS (Schutzstaffel ), specifically the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and the SS Begleit Kommando.
The SS are the people who guarded Hitler. It was many up of 20 000 bodyguards. All of them protecting Hitler.
The SS were formed as a group loyal to Hitler specifically not just Germany. They were to be Hitler' loyal bodyguards.
Hitler expanded the SS through the Hitler Youth. These we young boys being train to a military standard at a young age. After the course was complete they were then filtered into the feared Waffen SS.
The Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) was Adolf Hitler's personla bodyguard regiment and was part of the larger SS division. Strictly speaking the LSSAH did not have any female members, but there were female auxiliaries to the SS with different structures and ranking systems. So, Hitler didn't have female bodyguards but he had lots of female guards in the SS.
this might be wrong but he stayed with hitler then hitler switch him to the ss and they had to kill hitler
Heinrich Himmler.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler's personal guard regiment was the Waffen SS. Which was an elite subdivision of the German SS forces.
The SS and the gestapo