to create a mapping of DLCI to Layer 3 addresses that belong to remote peers
a curtain stretcher is a wooden frame with nails protruding along the frame. when you wash the curtains, you take the edges of the curtains and attach to the frame until they are dry.
July 28, 1914 through November 11, 1918
It was the ancient Chinese who built the first armored ship. It had overlapping plates connected with rings like scales on a snake attached to a wooden frame.
A guillotine is a machine that was invented to cut off people's heads during the French Revolution. Basically there's a frame at the bottom to hold the person's neck in place, and a big slanted blade at the top that's raised with a rope and can then be allowed to fall, cutting through the neck of whatever unlucky person was put in the neck frame at the bottom. It was often used to kill members of the aristocracy during the revolution and was named after the person who invented it.
- Q933a
frame relay?
Acknowledged connection-oriented service-the source and destination machines establish a connection before any data are transferred.Each frame sent is numbered and the data link layer guarantees that each frame sent is received. by Dardanello
A means of providing access to the Frame Relay network over a DSL connection
networking purpose
networking purpose
It gives the receiving NIC time to realize a frame is coming and to know when the frame starts..
Acknowledged connection-oriented service-the source and destination machines establish a connection before any data are transferred.Each frame sent is numbered and the data link layer guarantees that each frame sent is received. by Dardanello
ensuring that the data portion of the frame totals at least 46 bytes
Frame Relay
inverse ARP
Frames are used to divide the HTML page into sections. The <frame> tag is used for that purpose.