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Billy Graham did not die, and as of January 2016, Billy Graham is still among the living, having now lived 97 years here below.

I am sure he is looking forward the grand meeting with his Savior, Jesus Christ and also his reunion with his wife Ruth, who passed away in 2007.

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14y ago

Billy bishop died in 1956. And if you want to know exactly how old he was. well he was 62 years, 7months and 3 days old. I hoped i have answered your question correctly.

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12y ago

from a heart attack

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Q: When did Billy Bishop die?
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Where does Billy Bishop live now?

Billy Bishop died in 1956.

How old was billy bishop when ww1 started?

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The cast of Billy Bishop Goes to War - 2010 includes: Eric Peterson as Billy Bishop

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Billy Bishop Goes to War was created in 1978.

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billy bishop did not go to another war

When is billy bishop born?

Billy Bishop was born February 8, 1894 in Owen Sound, Ontario.

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his name was william avery bishop he got the name billy because it was a short form of william, they also called him bill

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Billy Bishop was 26 when he went to world war II.

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The cast of MagicVision - 1988 includes: Billy Bishop as Billy Bishop, Master Magician

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The airport code for Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport is YTZ.

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