colonel sanders felt that it would be best for chinese walnuts if brussel sprouts could join World War 1.
Isolation. Congress didn't want to get involved in the problems of Europe.
Increased involvement in the war
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
The bombing of pearl harbor Edit:Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, our naval base in Hawaii, on December 7,1941.Congress declared war on Japan the next day.
Not until after Pearl harbor
No, they can only approve war when the president asked for it
They approved the funding.
Isolation. Congress didn't want to get involved in the problems of Europe.
Congress must approve the congress is the head of defense and they can declare war .
avoid mistakes that had led to American involvement in World War I
they were upset, congress passed a law making it a crime to criticize the government or to interfere with the war effoert
The Congress was not about to just walk away from the attack on their Naval Fleet bombed by the Japanese. This motivated them to declare war on Japan. Prior to that the Congress policy was of neutrality and isolationism.
In the United States Congress is the only authority provided by the Constitution that can approve an Official Declaration of War that would then be subsequently signed by the President.
Increased involvement in the war
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.