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Russia was part of the Triple Entente who included Russia, France, and Britain. Russia did not on it's own declare war on Germany in WWI. WWI started because of the 3 rising issues in Europe, nationalism, Imperialism, and militarism. WWI official started in 1914 because on June 28, 1914 a royal couple from Austria-Hungary were shot in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Starting the major European powers to divide themselves into two groups. The Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain (Russia eventually took itself out of the war and the United States of America eventually joined the Triple Entente)) and Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy).

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1 Aug 1914 Germany declared war on Russia.

3 Aug 1914 Germany declared war on France.

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Q: When did Germany declare war on Russia and then France?
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Why did Germany declare war on Russia and France?

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The assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. He was killed by a Serbian terrorist, which caused Austria to declare war on Serbia. Serbia was allied with Russia, who intervened, causing Germany to declare war on Russia, which caused France to declare war on Germany.

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Why did Germany declare war on both Russia and France?

In World War 2 Germany had already defeated France when they declared war on Russia. At the time that Germany invaded Russia, Britain was the only major power at war with Germany and Britain didn't have the resources to mount an attack against mainland Europe. Germany was unable to attack England across the channel so Hitler decided to divert his attention to Russia before Stalin made his military forces any stronger.

When did Germany declare war on Russia?

Germany declared war with Russia on 1st of August 1914 & in WW2 on the 22nd June 1941.

Did Germany declare war on Russia in World War 1?

Yes after Russia declared war on Austro-Hungary. (Germany's ally)

What were the key dates of World War 1?

The Final spark that started the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th 1914, by Serbian activists. This mean that on July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Now, here's the confusing bit; Russia, Serbia's Ally, orders full mobilisation of troops. This causes Germany, Serbia's Ally, to declare war on Russia on August 1st. Russia's Ally FRANCE now mobilise their troops. Germany declares war on France, too. Britain, allied to France, intervein and declare war on Germany.

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