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I ANZAC Corps ended in 1917.

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Related questions

When was I ANZAC Corps created?

I ANZAC Corps was created in 1916.

When was II ANZAC Corps created?

II ANZAC Corps was created in 1916.

How was the acronym ANZAC suggested?

Because ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

When was the Anzac Landing?

25th of April 1915 Anzac stands for Australia newzealand army corps

How do you pronounce Australia New Zealand Army Corps?


ANZAC what does it stand for?

Australia New Zealand Army Corps

Why is ANZAC hata symbol of Australia?

Well, ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps If that answers your question....

How was the word anzac created?

Australia - New Zealand Army Corps.

Where did the term anzac originate from?

Australia New Zealand Army Corps.

What the initials in ANZAC stand for?

Australia and New Zealand Army Corps

What two countries are referred to in the acronym Anzac?

Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

Who is involved in the anzac army?

The ANZACs were troops from Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.