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The battle of Palasi was held on 23rd June 1757 at Palasi between East India Company and Md. Sirajuddaula, Nawab of Bengal. The Indian Force was Headed by Md. Meer Zafar and the British Force was headed by Robert Clive. The Three Hundred Sepoy of East India Company are very few to fight against the Eighteen Thousand Sepoy of Sirazuddaula, but they dared on the basis of an agreement with the Sirazuddaula's Commander Md. Meer Zafar to get the indian force to be surrendered before British Force. As per the betrayal agreement Md. Meer Zafar lost the battle within forty minutes of its begning, letting the Indian force to be surrendered before the British Force. As a result, the eighteen thousand forces of Sirazuddaula were banished at Fort William in Calcutta where 18000 sepoys werw kept hung for ten days and after that all are murdered by Meer Zafar and East India Company. The Nawab of Bengal Md. Sirazuddaula was also murdered at Murshidabad the protime capital of Bengal. It was the blackest day of Indian History which started the British rule.

Om Prakash Singh

JOF/40, Dalmianagar (India)

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