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hmmm well maby some1 started it like me Nicole and mollie who is standing rght next to me. did i mention i waz Nicole !?!?!? =]

Chain mail's been around for yeeeeeeeeeeears. It started off as letters, when there wasn't email, the emails, then texts. There are loads of common ones, such as the Carmen Winstead story, or the one about a girl with no face called "11 year old pregnant girl". All of these are absoloute RUBBISH. Honestly, if you get them just delete them. People who start them are just evil people who need to get a life. When you read them, just read the first line and if it says "A boy was murdered.....She was found in a bath unconcious....You must believe this, if you don't I will kill you..." anything like that, just bloody DELETE THEM. They're not true, they're called urban myths. Hope this helps.

Together we will beat chain mail. PrettyGeek =]

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Why do the Normans and Saxons appear to be wearing Chain mail shorts in the Bayeux Tapestry when most Chain mail of the period hung like a skirt?

Try wearing chain mail down to your knees and then mount a horse! Skirts don't sit well on a horse rider, that's why women traditionally rode sidesaddle. If you go to battle on horseback, better to wear a short chain mail vest with chain mail shorts.

What is a chain mail worn by knights called?

Chain Mail

How does chain mail join?

Chain mail is linked rings of metal.

How do you say chain mail in French?

A chain mail is 'un maillon' in French.

Who invented the chain mail?

We do not know who invented chain mail, or even where it was invented. There is a link below to an article on chain mail, but I can only hope it can help.

Why is a chain mail important?

Chain mail keeps you lightly armoured and still light on your feet.

Is chain mail illegal?

Since Chain mail is not a weapon, it is legal in all states, and everywhere else in the world.

Does Link from the Zelda series wear chain mail?

He did in "The Twilight Princess". Based ofn what I've seen of the new game, it doesn't appear that it's coming back.

How do you cos play dungeons and dragons?

If you're a guy, put on a chain mail. If you're a gal, put on a chain mail bikini, and e-mail result to me.

What actors and actresses appeared in Chain Mail - 2008?

The cast of Chain Mail - 2008 includes: Natalie Voyce as Larni

What actors and actresses appeared in Chain Mail - 2007?

The cast of Chain Mail - 2007 includes: Tom Elkins as Steve

Which are the three biggest chain mail services in the US?

There cannot be chain mail services in the United States because the sending of chain mail letters is a form of gambling and violates the US Penal code Title 18.