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It wasn't really a revolt so much. John C. Fremont was sent to CA to see if he could round up support to take the government from Mexico. The first place he went was to John Sutter. Sutter was perfectly positioned, had connections, and had his fort. This was a hard decision for Sutter since he got his land from Mexico and it was a land grant and he swore allegiance to Mexico. Yet, he did decide to throw his support to Fremont. Once Fremont had this he went to Monterrey where the governor was located and took him prisoner. He then sent him to Sutter to be held at his fort. As soon as Fremont had the governor things pretty well fell into place. He raised the Bear Flag over Monterrey and the republic was established. There were a few small incidents with Americans and the Mexican army in the mountains outside of LA, but it wasn't much. The President also had ships anchored off shore just in case there were problems. Soon after the gold rush started and CA became a state on Sept. 9, 1850.

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16y ago

It lasted for a total of 31days, from June 9 to July 9, 1846, when the Bear flag in Sonoma was lowered and the U.S. flag was raised.

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Lucas Borghello

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your answer makes no sense @$$
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Lucas Borghello

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sorry it does

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