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he Bataan Death March began at Mariveles on April 10, 1942, the day after the Americans surrendered. It took the POWs over a week to reach their destination.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

it started on april 9,1941

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Q: When did the bataan death march start?
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Where did the Bataan Death March start?

>>>>>>>>>>>>It began April 9,1941 in Mariveles, Bataan.<<<<<<<<<<<<

When did the bataan death march start and end?

the bataan death march started on April 9, 1941

What date did the bataan death march start?

April 10th, 1942

Did the bataan death march create a positive or negative thing?

The Bataan Death March was wholly negative .

Was the Bataan Death March ended in Italy?

No, the Bataan Death March occured in the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean.

What march was named for the deaths of Filipino and American troops by the Japanese?

The Bataan Death March (also known as The Death March of Bataan)

Who committed the bataan death march?

Japanese soldiers forced their American prisoners to undergo the Bataan Death March.

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All about the bataan death

What was the death March in the Philippines called?

Bataan Death March

What type of battle was The Bataan Death March?

The Bataan Death March was not a battle. It was a forced death march, e.g. being forced to march at least 80 miles under extreme conditions. Over 10,000 soldiers died during The Bataan Death March.

What month was the bataan death march in?


What was the march named for the horrible deaths of Filipino and American troops by the Japanese soldiers on their way to prison camps called?

Death March Bataan Death March or Death March of Bataan because they were marched across the penisular of Bataan.