The Battle of Savannah can refer to two different battles that took place during the American Revolution:
In the American Civil War, the city of Savannah, Georgia, did not see combat, although Sherman expectied a battle there. (The Confederates escaped across the river into South Carolina). There was also a town of Savannah in Tennessee, which saw some fighting in the Civil War.
Atlanta to Savannah Check my answer if you dare:|
The British won the battle of Savannah
Savannah, Georgia around 1779
Savannah, Georgia 1778
In 1779
The Battle of Savannah was fought between the British (and their allies, the Germans) and the Americans (Patriots) (and their allies, the French).
Sherman's Union Army won the Battle of Savannah, at the end of the "March to the Sea".
The battle of saratoga
The bloodiest battle
There was no battle of Savannah in the Civil War. Sherman was expecting one, but the small Confederate army escaped across the river.
September 16,1779