US Withdrawal commenced 1969. US Ground troops nearly completed in 1972. US Air Forces/Naval Air Forces/Marine Aviation, nearly completed 1973; US Embassy completed, VIA US Marines, April 1975.
US Marines, Navy, Special Ops, evacuation of Saigon; 1975.
This is not a good answer. The question was "sent" not evacuated. The real answer is probably unknowable. Records of such movements are usually sealed and ignored. The 'probable' last deployment of actual fighting troops would have been during the very last few weeks of the evacuation - mainly as back-ups guarding the evacuation. As far as actual 'boots on the ground' deployment - the last groups were probably in early 1974 with the expectation to only spend one year. These troops were mainly, as I said, as back-up.
So it would really require someone to dig specifically for these answers in files from the DoD - not to mention the CIA. The CIA may have been deploying their "troops" long after the final days of 1975.
The fear of being invaded was not a justification for the increase in US involvement in Vietnam. The US withdrew from Vietnam in 1975.
After the US withdrew from Vietnam the Vietcong came into power. South Vietnam fell under communist rule by the Vietcong.
The US is NOT at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.
The United States did get involved in the Vietnam war because of communism in Vietnam.
The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.
Total pull out.
Not only were the US losing , but the people who lived there didn't want them there and the US population were no longer supportive of it.
In January 1973, an agreement reached and U.S. forces were withdrawn from Vietnam and U.S. prisoners of war were released.
Because it was an unwinnable war. They didn't pull out they were defeated and ran.
It was president Richard Nixon who finally pulled all U.S troops from Vietnam.
The TET offensive of 1968.
The French war came first (1946-1954).
They were called peace negotiations; and the US simply wanted the North Vietnamese to pull their troops out of SOUTH Vietnam and quit trying to take it over.
They were called peace talks (peace negotiations). The US simply wanted Hanoi to pull their troops out of SOUTH Vietnam and quit trying to conquer the place.
There was no failure to pull out; it was done right the first time. Its just that the pull out didn't quite go according to plan (but what plan ever does)...but it worked.
The US never invaded Vietnam.
South Vietnam was considered an ally of the US.