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The US is NOT at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.

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Q: Why is the conflict in Iraq similar to the conflict in Vietnam?
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Between the wars of Iraq and Vietnam?

The US is not at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.

What issues did the united States hope to end with renewed relations with china?

the conflict in North Vietnam

What are some connections between the Vietnam and Iraq wars?

None. The US is not at war with Iraq. In Vietnam, the US was at war with North Vietnam.

What are the differences with the war of Vietnam and Iraq?

The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.

Has American society learned something from Vietnam that shapes the way you view the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

The lessons of Vietnam have held back the escalation of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. These conflict areas were denoted as short turn with an emphasis on encouraging the local government to take over upon the demilitarization of the area.

Is the war in Iraq today another Vietnam?

The US is not at war with Iraq.

There are some similarities Vietnam and Iraq?

None. Vietnam was a war against another nation (North Vietnam). Iraq is a police action in which law, order, and stability is trying to be established from withing the country. The US is NOT at war with Iraq.

What are the similarities between Vietnam and economy to Iraq and economy?

Vietnam was a war against the nation of NORTH Vietnam and communism. Iraq is the restoration of law and order; and stability to the country.

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What the differences between Iraq war and Vietnam war?

What are the name of three countries that contain landmines?

Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Iraq contain landmines.

Why did king george 3 refuse to consider the colonists declaration?

Hubris combined with lack of information. A great read on this is Barbara Tuchman's The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam (1984). Her description of the British Parliament's debates about the rebels in the colonies is eerily reminiscent of the US debates about Vietnam and Iraq, with similar catastrophic results.

How were the Korean and Vietnam conflict similar?

Both were conceived as part of the overall containment policy that dated back to the Truman administration