They slept on wooden beds but then if you were sick you were sent to another half that slept in tents only,and in the wooden beds there was nothing just the bed itself no matress, comforter, etc.
Yes there were many, many female prisoners during the Holocaust.
Death marches were the marching of inmates from one concentration camp to another.
i have no idea. somebody please answer it for me!!
A prisoner in charge at the camps (concentration camps, death camps, forced labor camps) during the Holocaust. These people were typically non-Jewish (Jews were treated the worst in the camps).
The Nazis did not plan to murder all prisoners in camps built before the Holocaust
2 hours
Concentration camps were very common during and before the Holocaust.
criminals, inmates, prisoners - take your pick.
The groups that were sent to the concentration camps during the holocaust were Jews, Roma (gypsies), homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah's Witnesses and many others.
They were used on prisoners in concentration camps, sometimes in the face!
They experimented with xrays on the prisoners in the concentration camps. Mostly at Auschwitz.
There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.
Yes there were many, many female prisoners during the Holocaust.
concentration camps.
Concentration camps
there were camps across occupied Europe.
Sometimes in seperate concentration camps, sometimes with children. More often, they were killed on arrival to the death camps.