no he committed suicide by shooting himslef then taking sionide then people burnt his and his wifes body then chucked them in a river no he committed suicide by shooting himslef then taking sionide then people burnt his and his wifes body then chucked them in a river
Hitler died before the end of World War 2.
No. After World War 2 some Germans called Adolf changed their names.
If he were still alive...120 years old.
No Hitler had 1 sister and 1 brother, His sisters name were Paula Hitler and His brothers name is still a mystery. But when Hitler came into power he made his mom father and sister change there last names burn and picture with Hitler in it. So that when Americans came they couldn't get Hitlers background
No because he died without any childrean, but his half brother probably had kids and they are alive but thank God they aren't like Hitler.
Hitler died before the end of World War 2.
Yes, since there is a category like this it is clear that Adolf Hitler is still remembered today.
Alois Hitler was Adolf Hitler's father and he died when Hitler was still young.
No, Hitler's father died when he was still young.
No, he committed suicide before WW 2 ended.
Well, as far as I know, adolf hitler went to art school and ended up competing jews in some competion, and lost. It was a war all over art, and the fact that "jews were always better. When adolf was still at power, he obtained many portraits from museum's that are still being found today. I would not trust my answer %100, but that's what I know.
No. After World War 2 some Germans called Adolf changed their names.
If he were still alive...120 years old.
Veryfluffyunicorn or Garmarnar. There are still debates about it today.
No, he committed suicide while he was still Chancellor of Germany.
That is hard to answer. The name Adolf is still a widely used name in German speaking countries, but many families that had the surname Hitler changed their names after WW2. It is entirely possible though that there is someone in the almost 7 billion people on earth named Adolf Hitler