Total World Domination was created on 2009-06-16.
Because Hitler wanted domination of the whole of Europe, and Japan wanted domination of the entire Pacific area.
Ummmm....eww world domination.
World domination ensured through brutality check (Apex)
World domination by the Soviet Union or the United States
World Domination Recordings ended in 1996.
Bam's World Domination was created on 2010-10-13.
Total World Domination was created on 2009-06-16.
Dark Domination was created in 1996.
Downhill Domination was created in 2003.
Shinkansen Recordings was created in 1996.
Sähkö Recordings was created in 1993.
The Asch Recordings was created in 1997.
Soleilmoon Recordings was created in 1987.
Renaissance Recordings was created in 1994.
Kaada Recordings was created in 1998.
WM Recordings was created in 2004.