check out wikipedia - electrical telegraph looks like for the USA 1/6/1838 by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail
A telegram is a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form. Samuel B Morse, inventor of the telegraph, sent the first telegram on May 24, 1844, from Washington DC to Baltimore.
The Novikov telegram was sent in 1946
The Zimmermann Telegram was sent to Mexico . ~ see related link below .
The so-called "Long Telegram" was sent during the Cold War, by George Kennan. He sent it from the United States Embassy in Moscow to Washington DC. The length of his message was about 8000 words, making it a much greater length than the typical telegram, which was rarely more than 75-100 words.
The sinking of the Lusitania and sinking of American vessels. Also a telegram (no one knows if it is was real of fake) was sent from the British Empire to America, stating that they intercepted it from the Germans. The telegram read, "Mexico, if you join the axis powers you can have all the land you want in the United States,". Of course no one knows if that is true or not.
the first telegram in the us was sent in1758.The England telegram looked like a brownpiece of paper the size of a post cared.
A telegram is a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form. Samuel B Morse, inventor of the telegraph, sent the first telegram on May 24, 1844, from Washington DC to Baltimore.
James Buchanan, A.K.A. the fifteenth president of the USA
Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.
Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.
The Novikov telegram was sent in 1946
It is called a telegram.
The first practical electric telegraph was demonstrated by Samuel Morse in 1837. However, the first telegram was sent on May 24, 1844, with the message "What hath God wrought?" sent from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland.
Germany Send the Zimmerman Telegram to send and information to the Mexicans.
Wyatt Earp sent a telegram to his brother Virgil asking him to come to Tombstone.
They refused the proposal, but by that time, the US had already declared war against Germany.
It is called a telegram.