The first bombings at the World Trade Center occurred in either September or October 1993. I'm not quite sure about the month, but definite on the year.
The World Trade Center bombing occurred on February 26, 1993. It happened below the North Tower, due to a truck bomb being detonated.
The only bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City was in 1993 in the parking garage underground, but fortunately for us, was unsuccessful.
NOTE: This bombing is different from the 9-11 airliner attacks that caused the towers to collapse.
September 11, 2001
A bomb was detonated on February 26, 1993 in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the buildings.
On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed.
There was a bombing in 1993 that fortunately did very little damage compared to the attacks that occurred in 2001. 2001 was the year the towers were attacked and destroyed.
September 11th, 2001
Newcastle was an industrial center, and as a result was bombed by the German Air Force and V1 rockets.
In reference to New York - The names of the twin towers were World Trade Center 1 or North Tower and World Trade Center 2/South Tower.
Bush's revenge for the bombing of the two World Trade Center Towers in New York City due to suspicions that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan at the time.Also because Afghanistan was keeping Osama bin Laden safe in their country so US invaded and bombed afghan.
nagasaki and hiroshima
7 times
Bill Clinton was in the White House in Washington, D.C. when the World Trade Center was bombed on February 26, 1993.
there were over 10,000 people in the world trade center
the world trade center was attacked twice one the well known 9/11 and another when terrorists bombed it
The World Trade Center
The World Trade Centre was not bombed on September 11 2001, two planes were used to crash into the Twin Towers. These planes were hijacked by terrorists who were Muslim extremists who had a very skewed opinion/view of their religion. The men who did this thought it was their religious calling.
Al Queada
Hmmm. "How are things going with you and Judy?" "Great! We're in a wonderful fact." "The casual relationship is that terrorists bombed the World Trade Center." No, I'd say they are not synonymous.
London was bombed along with many other cities because it was a link to other countries through trade
The PCA Chess final was inaugurated on 11sept. 1995 and the world trade center was bombed exactly 6 years later on 11sept. 2001. gunjan
Six people were killed and over a thousand were injured in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993. If you were talking about the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, then, the World Trade Center was not bombed on September 11, 2001. Planes were flown into the towers, causing them to collapse. No bomb was used. Just over 2,600 people died in the World Trade Center attack on 9-11. Actually it was 2,703 and hundreds on the ground, from assorted injuries and diseases.
the trade center is up stairs in the poke center