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I think it was fought because the men wanted to win this civil war

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because the Confederate lines at the Siege of Petersburg had worn too thin to hold. Lee was trying to escape westwards.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Because Lee's men were kind of leaving him. He did not have enough soldiers to continue fighting.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

April 9th, 1865

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Q: When was the battle of Appomattox fought?
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When was the Battle at Appomattox fought?

April 9th, 1865

Where was the Battle of Appomattox fought?

The battle of Appomattox took place at Maryland. Many people died in this battle. The courthouse, (Appomattox Courthouse), was where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant.

What did Robert E. Lee do near the city of Appomattox.?

Robert E. Lee fought the final engagement of the Confederate Army before Lee surrendered. The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865.

What did Robert E Lee do near the of Appomattox?

Robert E. Lee fought the final engagement of the Confederate Army before Lee surrendered. The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865.

What was the battle before appomattox?

The battle of Five Forks, fought on April 1, 1865 and the breakthrough of the Confederate defensive line of Petersburg on Apr. 2, 1865.

Where was the battle of the Appomattox Courthouse fought?

There was no US Civil War battle called the Appomattox Courthouse in the Civil War. The Appomattox Courthouse is the location where General Robert E. Lee the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, who was in charge of all Union forces.

What was the date when the appomattox battle started?

The Appomattox Campaign was a series of battles fought between March 29 and April 4, 1865, in Virginia that resulted in the surrender of the Confederates and effectively ended the Civil War.

In what year did they fought at appomattox?

It was fought in June 3, 1865

When did Battle of Appomattox Station happen?

Battle of Appomattox Station happened on 1865-04-08.

The battle that essentially ended the war was fought at?

The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse was one of the final battles of the Civil War. It was fought at the Virginia town of Appomattox. Robert E. Lee surrendered the remains of his Army of Northern Virginia after the battle, effectively ending major confederate resistance to the Union army. Though the war continued for another month, the Union's victory was a foregone conclusion after Lee's surrender.

When was the battle at Appomattox courthouse?

I am aware of no battle at Appomattox Courthouse, but it was the site of the surrender which ended the Civil War.

Final battle of civil war and surrender location?

The final battle took place at Appomattox Station, where the last attempt of the Army of Northern Virginia to break through the encirclement to open the route to Lynchburg was beaten back, and the surrender location was that of Appomattox Court House.