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1. The Vietnam War was the LAST war in which servicemen were issued a SERIAL NUMBER. Having your father's serial number would help your research; most US Servicemen from Vietnam will have TWO numbers-SSN & Serial #. Go by the SSN; but the serial number will assist you; Vietnam was a transitional period for the military. 2. Contact the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America); this is vet organization, the same as the VFW, American Legion, AMVETS, etc. The VVA was founded by Viet War vets; the VFW was founded by Spanish-American War vets in 1899; the Legion was founded by WW1 vets in 1919; and the AMVETS were founded by WW2 vets in 1944. 3. Each Unit (Division, Regiment, Squadron, Battalion) normally has a website. When you find out which UNIT your father was in, go to that site.

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It'll be on his DD-214.

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Contact Australian Vietnam Veterans Organization.

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Two sources MUST be checked (researched): VA (Veterans Administration) and the VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America).