Creed of The Forward Observer (The Fister's Creed)
"First and Foremost, I am the Greatest killer on the Battle field. Without me the King of Battle ceases to exist, The Queen of Battle cannot survive! Ask anyone on the battle field who is their savior, They will send you to ME.
Who am I? Those I consider friends call me "Fister." Those who fear me call me a high payoff target. As I hunt my enemy, my enemy hunts me, as my enemy attempts to kill me, I wipe him off the face of the Earth. For I determine the out come of war, but if I am not there, the war has no direction.
You see, I have the power to call upon the Demons of War, the mortars, artillery, MLRS, naval gunfire, attack aviation, and the fast movers. These are my "Tools", my instruments of death. My greatest tool, however is my radio! Whether it is on my back or on a platform, I possess the gift of gab with a touch of finesse. And I employ these tools, my power grows.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But in my worldly endeavors the spoils of war have yet to diminish my quest for peace.
As I do my job, I help write history of wars, past and of those yet to come. But in the pages that I turn, I have yet to read the words "Forward Observer, Fire Supporter, F.O. or Fister."
I am all of these! So it is vital that you learn my name, Vital that you learn to use my talents, Vital that you learn to trust me. Be glad that I am at your side and that I am on your side.-
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Creed of The Forward Observer (The Fister's Creed)
"First and Foremost, I am the Greatest killer on the Battle field. Without me the King of Battle ceases to exist, The Queen of Battle cannot survive! Ask anyone on the battle field who is their savior, They will send you to ME.
Who am I? Those I consider friends call me "Fister." Those who fear me call me a high payoff target. As I hunt my enemy, my enemy hunts me, as my enemy attempts to kill me, I wipe him off the face of the Earth. For I determine the out come of war, but if I am not there, the war has no direction.
You see, I have the power to call upon the Demons of War, the mortars, artillery, MLRS, naval gunfire, attack aviation, and the fast movers. These are my "Tools", my instruments of death. My greatest tool, however is my radio! Whether it is on my back or on a platform, I possess the gift of gab with a touch of finesse. And I employ these tools, my power grows.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But in my worldly endeavors the spoils of war have yet to diminish my quest for peace.
As I do my job, I help write history of wars, past and of those yet to come. But in the pages that I turn, I have yet to read the words "Forward Observer, Fire Supporter, F.O. or Fister."
I am all of these! So it is vital that you learn my name, Vital that you learn to use my talents, Vital that you learn to trust me. Be glad that I am at your side and that I am on your side.-
"First and Foremost, I am the Greatest killer on the Battle field. Without me the King of Battle ceases to exist, The Queen of Battle cannot survive! Ask anyone on the battle field who is their savior, They will send you to ME.
Who am I? Those I consider friends call me "FISTER". Those who fear me call me a high payoff target. As I hunt my Enemy, My Enemy hunts me, as my Enemy attempts to kill me; I Wipe him OFF the face of the Earth. For I determine the outcome of War, but if I am not there, The War has no direction.
You See, I have the power to call upon the Demons of war, The Mortars, Artillery, MLRS, Naval gunfire, Attack Aviation, and the Fast Movers. These are My "TOOLS", My Instruments of Death. My Greatest tool however, is my Radio! Whether it is on my Back or on a Platform, I possess the gift of Gab with a touch of finesse. And as I Employ These tools, my power Grows.
Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts Absolutely. But in my worldly endeavors, the Spoils of War have yet to diminish my Quest for Peace.
As I do my job, I help write the history of wars past and of those yet to come. But in the Pages that I Turn, I have yet to read the words "FORWARD OBSERVER, FIRE SUPPORTER, F.O. or FISTER".
I am All of these! So it is Vital that you learn my name, Vital that you learn to use my Talents, Vital that you learn to Trust Me, Be glad that I am at your side and that I am On your Side.
One of the places that the Infantryman's Creed can be found is on in the free game called "America's Army."
ask to see copy of his/her DD Form 214, discharge paper
Thomas Mayne in 1934 if you want to know more then just copy link below to find more info
Quote from the Related Link: " I often refer to defining our core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty, not from the group in 1993, which I was a part of that came up with these words - but rather going back almost 70 years ago when then-Commandant, VADM Harry G. Hamlet penned the words to 'The Creed of the Coast Guardsman' (see back cover). In the second paragraph or phrase of the creed, you'll clearly find the words, 'honor, respect, and devotion to duty,' spelled out with the same emphasis as it is used today."
The best way would be to obtain a copy of his service record. It can be requested through the National Archives. Their web site has a form that can be filled out to request the records.
One of the places that the Infantryman's Creed can be found is on in the free game called "America's Army."
Go out and buy a legal copy
Go out and buy a legal copy
Its a hard copy game
You go out and buy a legal copy.
A copy of the NCO Creed, one for each inductee.
*Assassins, *Revelations. I have a better question: was it your mother or father who dropped you on your head as an infant?
play assassins creed to find out
Google Images
It's not out yet.
You can find Pokemon on the Maps.
Go into iTunes, and type in, "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood", go into music, and it should be there.