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Cornwallis Surrendered at Yorktown

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Q: Where did Cornwallis surrenderd?
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Who surrenderd at Yorktown?

General Cornwallis

Why was general Cornwallis important?

British military officer Charles Cornwallis - also known as the Marquis Cornwallis and the Earl Cornwallis - is considered important because of his involvement in the Seven Years War and the American Revolutionary War. In the Seven Years War, he was known for helping prevent the French invasion of Hanover, and was distinguished in several battles. During the American Revolution, he was most known for surrendering at the Siege of Yorktown, which was a pivotal battle, and was considered by some to have been the end of America's War for Independence.

Why didn't the wars continue?

because Germany surrenderd

What were the names of Charles Cornwallis's parents?

willa cornwallis and washington cornwallis

Is Charles Cornwallis lord Cornwallis?


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28th may 1940 when belgium surrenderd

What was Lord Cornwallis' real name?

Charles Cornwallis

General Cornwallis's full name?

Charles Cornwallis.

What is some of Charles Cornwallis's weaknesses?

charles cornwallis weakness

When did Cubah Cornwallis die?

Cubah Cornwallis died in 1848.

When did Thomas Cornwallis die?

Thomas Cornwallis died in 1675.

When was Thomas Cornwallis born?

Thomas Cornwallis was born in 1605.