In the South.
By the beginning of 1864, a Confederate dollar was down to 5 cents. By the end of that year, it was down to almost nothing.
Barack Obama is my friend!
price and wage control, rationing
Inflation made supplies more expensive than they had been.
The limited supply of goods caused prices to rise.
Median income $1750 year Inflation was 6% a year Cost of Living increased 30% plus US government claimed only 19%
Confederate money became worthless during the Civil War because the Confederate government printed too much of it, causing hyperinflation and a loss of confidence in its value.
Yes, if you sold the stock for less than your basis or if there was an event that caused your stock to become worthless during the year. Note that this does not apply if the stock was in a tax-sheltered account such as an IRA or a 401k. If a bank went out of business causing the stock to become worthless, you can claim it as a loss. If the value of the stock went from $200 a share to $.02 a share, it is not yet worthless -- no deduction until you sell it.
Inflation was a big problem for Americans during the Revolution
Their money had become nearly worthless. It cost $30 to $50 just for a hamburger.
during periods of inflation tax rates sholkd
it can be wise if the inflation rate doesnt reach the extent to which the money has to be changed
Inflation is the a period of time during which there is a continuous rise in the general price level of various commodities consumed by the majority of the population. Inflation affects everyone: THE INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER: if they earn a fixed amount of income, they are worse off as they will be experiencing a loss in their purchasing power. THOSE WHO HAVE BORROWED MONEY: they will gain as they will repay back a sum of money which is worth less in real terms. LENDERS: they will lose because they will receive back a sum of money which is worthless in real terms
Inflation is a rise in prices and a depreciation of the currency. The Confederate dollar was not based on assets, but only on the promise of future victory. Owing to the Union Naval blockade, the South could not import or export, and its economy stagnated. Demand for basic commodities rocketed, causing steady inflation. By 1864, the Confederate dollar was only worth about 5 cents.
during inflation the best method to use inventory valuation that produces that produces that least amount of profit is