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Q: Where did slaves want to escape to where they could not be returned to their owners?
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Could only whites own slaves?

No. There were free blacks who were slave owners, and Indians too.

What statement describes an important change during the war?

The Emancipation Proclamation, effective from January 1863, which turned the war into an official crusade against slavery. The immediate aim was to keep Britain from helping the Confederates. (They could hardly be seen fighting for slavery, when they had abolished their own.) In this, the Proclamation was entirely successful, and Britain stayed out. It was also aimed at reviving Northern morale, which it did not achieve. However, it gave Union troops a license to free Southern slaves wherever they found them, and these slaves clearly couldn't be returned to their owners. So it did have the effect of ending slavery.

How were whites affected by the civil war?

Whites were affected because they could no longer have slaves. Slaves provided them with the majority of their income. Without slaves, many white lost their wealth.

Why did slaves enlist to fight in the civil war?

That's like asking why a dog would want off his/her leash...FREEDOM. Obviously slaves didn't want to be slaves and when they heard of the north fighting for their freedom they wanted to help as much as they possibly could. I mean if you were a slave and heard you could get freed wouldn't you do anything you could?

Why did john brown stage a raid on Harpers ferry?

The Battle of Harper's Ferry began for a very simple reason. There was a conflict that could not be solved peacefully.

Related questions

What did the fugitive slave act of 1850require citizens do?

Report suspected runaway slaves to thr authorities, so they could be returned to their owners.

Where did the underground rail road take runways?

The conductors guided runaway slaves to the north to where they could live a free life, some slaves even went to Canada to escape the slave owners.

What could slaves could and could'nt do?

Slaves could not own property or vote. They were only able to work for free for their owners, making them slaves.

Why did slaves escape from plantations?

Runaway slaves who were caught were returned to their "owners," who could punish them in what ways they chose, including whipping, beating, branding, and other pretty horrible punishments. If they ran away frequently enough and their owners felt they'd not stop, their ultimate punishment could be death and used as a lesson to scare other slaves into not running away. There is a link below to an article on fugitive slaves.

Why did slave owners want to keep their slaves ignorant or life outside of the plantation?

Slave owners wanted to keep their slaves ignorant of life outside the plantation to maintain control and prevent unrest. By limiting their access to education and information, slave owners could ensure that slaves remained compliant and focused solely on their assigned work, reducing the risk of rebellion or escape. Furthermore, education was seen as a threat to the institution of slavery as it could empower slaves to question their oppression and seek freedom.

How did slaves bathe?

They didn't, their owners didn't give them anything to use as a bathtub, only sometimes they could bathe if they could escape to the river without their owners noticing. They weren't even allowed a bed, they had to sleep in cotton that they picked 75% of the time or on nothing at all!

How were slaves caught along the route?

Sometimes slaves escape and sometimes they fail to escape but the way they could get tracked is they had horses who had good sences! Or they could see ur footprint

Why do slaves codes makes it illegal to teach slaves?

Slave codes made it illegal to teach slaves to prevent them from gaining knowledge and education that could make them more independent and rebellious. Slave owners feared that educated slaves would be more likely to attempt to escape or incite rebellion against their masters. By limiting slaves' access to education, slave owners sought to maintain control and prevent challenges to the institution of slavery.

Why was the underground railroad assembled?

the underground railroad was assembled to help slaves escape from the south to the north. it was formed out of many non slave owners, who would hide escaping slaves in their house until the next night, when they could continue their journey north.

Why did slaves need to wear tag necklaces?

Slaves were often required to wear tag necklaces with identification to ensure they could be easily recognized and controlled by their owners or overseers. This practice helped prevent escape or theft by identifying the individual as someone's property.

If a slave escaped to a free state was the slave free?

No, under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, escaped slaves could still be captured and returned to their owners. Being in a free state did not automatically grant freedom to escaped slaves.

How did southern slave owners control their slaves in the US?

Slaves owners could use brutal force by beating their slaves into submission or they would simply be kind to their slaves while still enforcing a good work ethic.