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Q: Where did the dambusters practice with the bouncing bomb?
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Related questions

How many boncing bombs did the Lancaster carry in the Dambusters?

Each lancaster carried 1 Bouncing bomb I think :)

How much did the bouncing bomb cost?

During World War II, each bouncing bomb used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) cost around £1,844 to produce. These bombs were primarily used during the famous Dambusters raid in 1943.

Who created he bouncing bomb?

Barnes Wallis was the inventor of the 'bouncing bomb'.

In which year was the bouncing bomb first used?

The year in which the first bouncing bomb was used was in 1943. The inventor of the bouncing bomb was the British engineer Barnes Wallis.

Where did they do practice runs on the bouncing bomb?

Practice runs for the bouncing bomb were done at the Derwent Reservoir in England by the Royal Air Force's 617 Squadron in May 1943. These runs were part of the training exercises in preparation for the famous Operation Chastise against German dams during World War II.

Which weapon did the Dambusters make famous?

Designed by Barnes Wallis (Who also designed the Vickers Wellington) it is the Bouncing Bomb used to destroy the Mohne & Eider dams, the raid led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson VC DSO DFC of 617 Sqn RAF.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bouncing bomb?


What did the bouncing bomb blow up?

The bouncing bomb blew up the dam in Berlin so that Berlin was under water. This took 4 attempts.

How many attempts did the dambusters have to bomb Germany?

Four attempts done on the first dam and the rest of the dam busting went better.

What carried the bouncing bomb?

Avro Lancaster B111 'Special'

Was Thomas Spenser one of the men who tested the bouncing bomb?


Where was the bouncing bomb tested in England?

Chesil Beach, Dorset.