Neither side purchased flintlocks. In the early days of the war, the Confederacy used any weapons available. This probably included a few flintlocks brought by individual soldiers. Most soldiers were armed with various percussion (aka. cap and ball) rifles and handguns. As the war progressed, more and more breech-loading cartridge rifles were used but the older technology was still dominant.
AnswerThe governments of both Union and Confederacy did not place any contracts for Flintlock rifles, but many regiments were raised with private funds so there were some units that were armed with flintlocks. The 7th Arkansas Regiment was armed with flintlocks at the Battle of Shiloh. I remember reading about more units but I can't find a reference at this time.At Fort Henry there were two brigades commanded by Colonels Adolphus Heiman and Joseph Drake, approximately 2,800-3,400 men of the 10th Tennessee who were armed primarily with antique flintlock rifles from the War of 1812. [Reference wikipediea].
At the Battle of Mill Springs, KY, January 19, 1862, the Confederate forces were armed mostly with flintlock muskets. On the 21st, they fought in the Battle of Logan's Cross Roads.
The 6th Arkansas Infantry Regiment was mustered and organized at Little Rock, Arkansas on June 10, 1861. The regiment was initially armed mostly with flintlock M1816/M1822 .69 cal. smoothbore muskets seized from the Little Rock arsenal in February, 1861. Co. A was armed with a mixture of M1841 "Mississippi rifles" and .69 cal. smoothbores, as there weren't enough of the rifles to go around. The 6th Arkansas was decisively engaged at Shiloh with the Confederate left wing, engaged against Sherman's Federal troops. The 6th Arkansas was able to re-arm itself with "Springfield rifles" (probably .58 cal. M1855 rifle muskets) from Federal weapons left on the field at Shiloh.
Re-Tooled to Percussion
About 5,600 Model 1840 flintlock muskets had been ordered just before the war. These were .69 caliber smoothbore muskets and many were quickly re-tooled for percussion ignition. Another smoothbore that was available in Virginia arsenals was one made by the Virginia Manufactory in Richmond.
which references The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War, Eicher, David J., Simon & Schuster, 2001.
Observation balloons, submarine, rifled cannon and muskets, telegraph, railroads, and a VERY important item- canned food.
Originally muskets were long barrelled smoothbore firearms that were used in volley fire arrangement and became a feature of formal combat in the 16th century. At first they were matchlocks (used extensively in the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War). In the early 18th century muskets incorporated flintlocks and were used in many conflicts, including the Jacobite War (1745), the American Revolution (1776) and the Napoleonic Wars (1798-1815). The Rifle Musket first saw it's appearance in America during the Mexican War when they were issued to Mississippi regiments under the command of Col. Jefferson Davis. These differed from conventional muskets in that they were rifled and extremely accurate and effective. The invention of the conical bullet (Minie ball) in the early 1850's made rifled muskets easier to load and smoothbore muskets became obsolete. Springfield and Harpers Ferry Armory were making these weapons before the Civil War and Great Britain also began the manufacture of excellent rifled muskets (Endfield 1858). Rifled Muskets were the primary weapon of the American War of Rebellion (Civil War)
Muskets, Rifles, Swords, Cannons, and Mortars. A few short range naval rockets.
Drums were used in the American Civil war, to show that the war had begun.
the north south Actually the breakdown is something like this using Boatner's Dictionary of the Civil War. Northern Armouries and private contractors 1,300,000 58 caliber muskets Royal Enfield Amoury and Birmingham Small Arms (UK) 300,000 .577 muskets Spencer Arms (Massachusetts) 107,000 repeating carbines Henry (later WInchester) 11,180 Henry repeating rifles Palmetto Arms, Columbia South Carolina, 5000 muskets Tredegear, Richmond Virgina, 15,000 muskets No area produced 97% of the firearms as England and Europe supplied many muskets which were used primarily for the South (CSA)
Muzzleloading flintlock muskets.
Flintlock muskets
Flintlock muskets
Mainly flintlock smoothbore muskets, with a few flintlock rifles. There were also flintlock pistols and "fowling pieces"- shotguns.
Muskets, canons, flintlock pistol, swords and sebres, and submarine.:)
The muskets used in the colonial era were typically smoothbore muzzle-loading firearms. These muskets were usually around .75 or .80 caliber, had a long barrel, and were fired using a flintlock mechanism. They were commonly used by infantry during the American Revolution and other conflicts of the time.
In the English Civil War, the Cavaliers and the Roundheads used cannons, spears, swords and long guns. Don't think they used spears, do you mean pikes ?
The Charlville musket was in use from 1717 until 1840. It was .69 calibre and had a flintlock firing system.
Some weapons the British used in The Battle of Saratoga is...guns, muskets, knives, and kinds of weapons todays date still uses in the the wars and battles of out countries.
In the beginning anything and everything available was used. I've heard of 18630Enfields and Tower muskets, but not Enfield Tower muskets.
§ Muskets §Pistols §Knives
Yes, they used the first pistols= revolvers and the first rifles= muskets