because they were.
Guns were the weapons used in the Battle of Vimy Ridge. In addition, the infantry troops also used canyons. The battle took place in 1917.
"Vimy" is a reference to Vimy Ridge in France. During most of World War One, Vimy Ridge was one of the toughest defenses held by Germany. Then in 1917, Canadian troops -- who had distinguished themselves as elite fighters -- took the ridge, pushing the Germans over the other side. The entire operation was a feat of military genius.How this is connected to a lighter from that era is anyone's guess.
The battle of Vimy Ridge
stale bread and dried meat and cheese
A monument located in the battle site of vimy ridge which inlude statues and the grave stones of the heroic men who died
That is the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
Battle of Vimy Ridge happened on 1917-04-09.
The leaders for the candains at vimy ridge where Julian Byng and Arthur Currie
The cast of Vimy Ridge - 2012 includes: Lizzy Hoyt
The Germans never took Vimy Ridge. Vimy Ridge was actually captured by the Canadian Corps during the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which took place from April 9 to April 12, 1917, during World War I.
The start of the battle of Vimy Ridge was April 9, 1917 and the end was April 12, 1917.
I am doing a project on Vimy Ridge right now, and I believe it was important to the British and French because Vimy Ridge was a strong defensive point for the Germans. And with the capture it exposed German territory and put them on their heels Hope that helps,
April 9,1917
because they were.
At the begining of the battle, the Ridge was held by German troops.
look on google maps