The Caucacus Mountains near the Black and Caspian Sea in Europe is the Western boundary line that separates Europe from Asia (or separates the West from the East). South of that line is SOUTHWEST Asia (Turkey, Israel, Jordon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. areas that are mis-named the "Middle East"). To the right of this is the real MIDDLE EAST, "Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc." To the right of this is SOUTHEAST Asia, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. Britain mis-named the middle east during their colonial days when they considered themselves the center of world power; measuring all colonies from Great Britain. The closest Asian country to England was Turkey; Therefore it was called ASIA MINOR. Today's mis-named "middle east" was between ASIA MINOR and INDIA (Britain's other colony) therefore those nations were called the MIDDLE EAST, because they were in the middle. East means Orient, so the words can be intermingled. Southwest Asia can be called the FAR EAST or FAR ORIENT.
Dropping the atom bombs on Nagaski & Hirowskima
Australia's involvement in Asia was to provide help to the Allies and also to a couple of Asian armies so they can stop the Japanese advance and push the Japanese back to their country to end the war on the side of Asia.
Southeast Asia (Vietnam), Asia (Korea), Pacific (WW2), CBI (China, Burma, India Theater WW2).
It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia It was Ausralia, Hungary and Asia
Asia and Africa.
The Contender Asia ended on 2008-04-23.
Asia Avia Airlines ended in 2007.
Wedding TV Asia ended in 2010.
Central Asia Monitor ended in 2002.
MTV Asia Hitlist ended in 2005.
Asia Continental Airlines ended in 2010.
Japan Asia Airways ended in 2008.
The Amazing Race Asia ended on 2010-12-09.
Asia Market Watch ended on 2007-03-23.
Ministry of Greater East Asia ended in 1945.
Asia Market Wrap ended on 2005-12-02.
Australia-Asia Literary Award ended in 2010.